
Showing posts with the label renner


M:I III didn't perform quite as well as expected at the box office upon its release but is widely regarded by critics as the best of the bunch. Mr Bird: your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do better. This playful reference will auto-destruct in 5 seconds... ... *pfffffff* Well, mission pretty much accomplished profit-wise it seems. But how does the film fare in comparison to its predecessors? In their own way, I've enjoyed every Mission Impossible film to date: the stylish and kinda boring one, the hilariously overblown one and... the smarter one. I'm happy to say that Ghost Protocol is no exception: this is one fun movie from start to finish and the closest the films have gotten to resembling the classic TV series since Brian De Palma's first effort. Finally, Hunt has another team to work with. No wires to cut or waxy masks but you can't have it all I guess... The team in question, however, is hit and miss. You've got Simon Pegg


Now I'm no illustrator or poster designer... at all. Hell, I don't even have Photoshop at the moment. That said, I do enjoy a challenge. Which is why from now on I'll be attempting to make a poster for every coming blockbuster. I warn you: they'll likely all suck. Hence why I encourage you guys to help me and make your own! They don't have to be perfect, just fun. This month we're starting with Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol which has already had its share of posters. Most of them ass, like the ones involving Mr Cruise wearing hood. Some of them decent. I like that one, although is Cruise's nipple on fire? I like that one. Some of them good. This Olly Moss-style IMAX poster is pretty minimalist but it's cool. Here's mine: Yeah, I know. It's bloated and childish. OMG it's M:I 2 !!! Your mission, if you choose to accept it is to send all your entries to My favourites will be posted on t