
Showing posts with the label vampire month



Because BloodRayne was SOOOO good. Here's a sequel for ya. With a new Rayne, about half the budget and an even lesser known cast comes BloodRayne 2: Deliverance , a sequel that I can't imagine anyone was begging for but which nevertheless exists. This time, director Uwe Boll sets things in the Old West where our heroine is made to face off against, wait for it, a vampiric, Eastern European Billy The Kid. See, the problem with the first film, I felt, was that it just wasn't silly enough. Serious lack of vampire cowboys in that movie, frankly. Well, you sure won't be disappointed this time. Initially, I thought this movie was a fan-made thing: the opening titles and the film itself looked so cheap that it took me like 5 minutes to realise that this was an actual movie. That said, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't end up enjoying this movie just a little. It's not good, don't get me wrong, but in terms of cheapo vampire cowboy movies, it de


You can check out my Bram Stoker's Dracula (Sega Master System) review over at retro gaming super-site 1MoreCastle :) Happy Vampire Month!


Based on Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles and written by herself, Interview With The Vampire tells the tale of a new vampire's journey from a young, reluctant killer to a fierce, mature vampire through a tell-all interview which the blood-sucker in question has kindly agreed to give. Brad Pitt plays Louis, the suicidal man given a choice (kinda) by Tom Cruise's devilish vampire Lestat to either die or start a whole new life as an immortal. We're introduced to the all-important framing device, Louis giving the interview to Christian Slater's somewhat sceptical dude, before flashing back to hundreds of years prior when the former becomes a vampire. We then follow Louis' slow adjustment into his new life as he struggles to deal with the idea of killing people for blood, Lestat's desperate attempt to make him stay with him by making another vampire, a little girl this time, who then attempts to get rid of Lestat as she and Louis walk the streets in sea


Twilight wouldn't be Twilight without its soppy, confused love triangle and, indeed, this is where that pretty much properly began. In this second installment of the Saga, Bella is afraid of growing old while Edward remains the same and Edward is worried he won't be able to protect Bella for much longer. Turning Bella into a vampire would make too much sense so instead the couple break-up and Bella goes into depression before bonding with a bulked-up Jacob (Taylor Lautner, Sharkboy). Edward spends most of his time off-screen or as some kind of smoke-ghost Bella can only see when she goes and does something dangerous and intense-TO-THE-MAX like riding motorcycles and jumping off cliffs. And... riding motorcycles. Yes, when Bella realizes she can catch a glimpse of her vamp ex whenever she is being absurdly stupid she proceeds to do that. A lot. New Moon is often quoted as being the best of bunch purely because we're introduced to those darn werewolves and therefor


Good vampire movies are hard to come by these days so when a vamp flick remake comes along, it's near impossible to get interested. Chances are, no pun intended, it'll suck. Imagine my surprise, then, when I found myself sitting there loving every bit of this ridiculously fun Fright Night remake. It wasn't meant to work, goshdarnit! And yet... it really does. Even the 3D adds a certain welcome trashiness to the whole thing making it a good old-fashioned slasher (with pointy fangs) the likes of which John Carpenter and Wes Craven probably wish they could still do. What tends to often kill that type of movie is its whiny teen cast but here we're given a likeable bunch you actually don't necessarily want to see get munched on and/or torn to shreds. Anton Yelchin makes a decent weasely hero while Christopher Mintz-Plasse does his McLovin schtick with added (and welcome) paranoia. Fine support is also given by Imogen Poots and James Franco's bro Dave, who m


So you've got Christopher Lee playing Dracula, an actor with one of the most amazing, most sinister voices in cinema history, so what do you do?  Make him play a wordless, lumbering drone!  Although it was Lee himself who refused to read the lines he was originally given, a rewrite would have probably been a better solution as the lack of lines really takes a lot away from the character. He is still somewhat threatening but just feels altogether pretty bland and lacks the presence and style of Bela Lugosi's original Dracula . Can you imagine if Saruman just walked around saying nothing in the Lord Of The Rings movies? People (and hobbits) would just give him weird looks and ignore him like some crazy hobo wizard. By showing a recap of Dracula (1958) at the beginning of the movie, Dracula: Prince Of Darkness really makes you miss that film which had the ever brilliant Peter Cushing as vampire hunter Van Helsing. The plot is typical: English tourists ignoring vil