
Showing posts with the label beneath the planet of the apes


The sequel to the original classic, Beneath The Planet Of The Apes had the impossible task to not only match the original quality-wise but to surprise the viewer somehow, even after the mother of all twists. Even though Beneath most certainly doesn't match its predecessor in terms of how impactful and iconic it is, it's hard to imagine that audiences back in the day weren't surprised by it in some way! Now this movie doesn't slowly build up to one final zinger, instead going for a more constant flow of what-the-hell moments culminating to one surprisingly and, at the same time I guess, appropriately pessimistic climax. Charlton Heston is back as Taylor but in a less prominent role this time around, instead showing up as a supporting character to James Franciscus' Brent, an astronaut whose ship happened to be following Taylor's and which happened to crash on the planet also. This sadly sets up Beneath as a kind of retread with a tacked-on where's-Charlto