
Showing posts with the label Rachel McAdams


Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams star in Game Night , a dark comedy about a couple and their friends who are invited to play a new game one night, only to find that the ensuing chaos is very real and not actually part of said game. Sort of like a cross between The Man Who Knew Too Little and Date Night with a little of  The 'Burbs thrown in, Game Night takes a gimmicky, slightly derivative premise and runs with it with enough gusto to make Baby Driver jealous. For all its goofier aspects, this is a sharply written comedy that strikes a good balance between dumb and clever without losing track of its characters and why we should care about them. Max (Bateman) and Annie (McAdams), through their playfulness and competitiveness, seem to be perfect for each other and, even though some problems are revealed along the way, this is a relationship we root for throughout. Their friends are mostly one-dimensional but they each have their moments and remain likeable despite their ob