Few films have captured the hearts and minds of audiences quite as much as Tommy Wiseau's The Room. To some it's the worst movie ever made, to others it's one of the best but the reasons for both points of view are basically the same.

With James Franco's The Disaster Artist (based on Greg Sestero's book) currently in theatres with its slight peek behind the scenes of what is often seen as one of the best worst movies ever made, it's worth going back and revisiting the real deal. Since its modest release back in 2003, The Room has gained a cult following and is currently playing in many cinemas all over the US, the UK and beyond as fans arm themselves with plastic spoons and quote every line enthusiastically, having a good time throughout celebrating the film, making an event of it. While there are some comedic elements to the film, it isn't exactly the black comedy Wiseau has described it as so don't expect an intentional laugh riot. In fact, like with most bad movies, it's the earnest dramatic scenes that are the most amusing: there's a cheesiness to The Room and its plot that gives it a cheap soap opera quality. And it's this, coupled with awkward performances and puzzling technical decisions, that makes the film the memorable and beloved train wreck that it is.

Whether it's framed pictures of spoons in the background, criminally awful ADR, inexplicably green-screened rooftops or ridiculous lines, there's always something interesting and/or funny going on and all this helps elevate a film that could have easily been dull or forgettable to something that's genuinely a lot of fun to sit through. The key to how great The Room is, however, has to be Tommy Wiseau himself as he throws himself into the role of betrayed banker Johnny completely delivering one of the most fascinating performances you'll ever see. The story itself is a basic 'girlfriend cheats on her boyfriend with his best friend' scenario but the writing is so disjointed and all over the place that seeing the cast wrestle with the roles they've been given makes it almost hypnotic. Greg Sestero (Mark) and Juliette Danielle (Lisa) certainly do a decent job at saying their often silly lines with a straight face. You can point to nearly everything about The Room and it's probably incongruous and doesn't make much sense but chances are it'll make you love the film even more.

There's something perfect about The Room. Its complete lack of harmony somehow doubles up as a symphony of strangeness that simply has to be seen to be believed. Whether you're in on the joke or not, it's hard to deny that Tommy Wiseau is one of the most unique filmmakers around.

Essential viewing.

Oh hi reader, I didn't know it was you!


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