
Showing posts with the label total recall


Total Recall is one of those movies that should be terrible but somehow manages to be completely enjoyable and completely great. Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, Recall stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as Douglas Quaid, a construction worker who dreams of getting his ass to Mars even though a war is breaking out over there and he's had goofy-ass dreams about the place. He's married to Sharon Stone and apparently can afford to go on a mind-holiday through ever-so-slightly dodgy company Rekall so things aren't going too bad for Mr Quaid. However, as Arnie is plugged into Rekall's memory-implanting machine it all starts going pear-shaped pretty darn quick. Suddenly his wife's a murderous spy, he's hunted by a particularly unfriendly Michael Ironside and he's pulling big glowing balls out of his own nose. What a day. He finally gets to Mars where he becomes entangled in a pretty far-fetched but action-packed plot involving Ronny Cox's evil tycoon,