
Showing posts with the label ghost shark


Now I know what you're thinking. Ghost sharks don't exist! Well, I'm here to tell you you're wrong. So wrong. Case and point: Ghost Shark . Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, sharks started coming back from the dead! At least, that's what we're meant to get from this movie which translates the idea of a ghost shark by showing us neon blue glowing sharks (thank you Final Cut Pro's worst ever effect) and some confusingly magical cave. This is intercut with the usual shark movie schtick: annoying characters, mostly girls in bikinis, trying to deal with the problem, most of whom die in silly ways as the movie sharks along. Produced by the Syfy channel, this could have either been just plain stupid, like The Asylum's Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus for example, or self-knowingly ridiculous and funny-bad, closer to something like Sharktopus . Luckily, they went down the latter route. Ghost Shark is, I can confirm, thankfully