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Fast Five? Fast & Furious 5? Rio Heist? Screw all the rubbish titles, behold... The ExFastables! Why the sudden surge of "team" movies? The Expendables , A-Team , The Avengers , This... Not that I mind, it's just a bit odd really, isn't it? There's really not much to say about this new fast and furious outing for a franchise which never seems to end or go anywhere in particular. It's a Fast and the Furious movie: dumb, loud, action-packed, muscle-bound, tough-talking, cars smashing, bums-in-your-face, the usual fare basically. Oh sure this being the 5th film it's bigger and sillier than most of its predecessors but thankfully not so much that you can't enjoy it on a one dimensional level. Fast Five is hugely entertaining from start to finish, and I'm saying that as someone who couldn't give a toss about cars or muscles so imagine how much you'll like this if that's totally your deal! The best-of cast includes the Blandmeis