
Showing posts with the label blue harvest


"A long time ago, but somehow in the future..." Back in 2007, Family Guy opened its sixth season with Blue Harvest , the first in a trilogy of Star Wars spoofs/homages. The hour-long episode followed A New Hope pretty closely with the characters from Seth MacFarlane's show taking over all the roles. The framing device for the episode is the TV loses power so Peter Griffin tells his family the story of Star Wars starting, of course, with Part IV. The iconic text scroll soon trails off into random Angelina Jolie-themed gossip and we meet our droids, Quagmire as C-3PO and Cleveland as R2-D2. The scenes recreated from the film are surprisingly detailed at times with some shots or actions replicated exactly. While Robot Chicken went for a goofy best of, this goes all out with retelling the classic story and injecting some humour into every scene. Some of the jokes are obvious, a lot are much more obscure so hardcore fans should have a ball with this one. Obi-Wa