
Showing posts with the label beaver


Here's a little film which I saw ages ago and talked about long before its release (Gibson + Beaver = lols) but never actually got around to reviewing. Why? Well, I quite simply didn't know what to make of it. Sold as a kind of harmless, cute indie comedy, The Beaver looked like fun and the very idea of Mel Gibson with a cockney beaver hand-puppet alone made me very happy indeed. Imagine my surprise then when the film ends in the most unsubtly depressing way imaginable! I won't spoil it but jeesh! So it all starts off as a kind of happy-go-lucky dramedy about a guy going through a mental breakdown and finding salvation in the titular beaver. The Beaver helps him through a difficult time in his life and it all seems to be heading towards a nice little Disney-approved ending. Then Mel fights The Beaver. Literally. It's HILARIOUS. But then it's followed by something so dramatically crazy your jaw will probably drop as you suddenly find yourself in a very